Seeding Hope: A Meditation

As 2024 continues to unfold, we are sitting with a question: what will it take to realize and sustain a peaceful, thriving, and interdependent world? We invite you to meditate with us.

Now is the Time: A Call to Wage Peace with Fierce Love

What does it take to create a world where everyone thrives? Read the first installment in Root. Rise. Pollinate!’s ongoing series: reports from a (r)evolution of being.

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Taking a Virtual Breath: How shared practices can create depth and connection despite physical separation

Part one of a series on building connection and community in virtual space published through The Reverb, by Resonance Network on Medium.

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Embodied Practice: How to bring movement practice into virtual space to foster connection with our bodies’ wisdom

Part two of a series on building connection and community in virtual space published through The Reverb, by Resonance Network on Medium.

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Intergenerational Practice and Space: How we can create beautiful connections and discoveries across generations

Part three of a series on building connection and community in virtual space published through The Reverb, by Resonance Network on Medium.

The Root. Rise. Pollinate! team shares learning from their experiment to shift culture through connecting inner and outer transformation

published in the Embodying Change Podcast, 2021.

Reimagining Resilience:

supporting feminist women to lead development with transformative practice

published in the Gender and Development Journal, 2018.